Wspomnienie o Henryku Podlewskim na stronach pisma “Bahamas uncensored”

Henryk Podlewski – wuj mojego Ojca, a mój stryjeczno-cioteczny dziadek (jego dziadek Teodor był rodzonym bratem mojej praprababci Stanisławy Anny Sabiny z Gorczyckich Ruszczykowskiej), po wojnie zamieszkał na wyspach Bahama gdzie był lekarzem psychiatrą. Wiele razy przyjeżdżał do Polski. Podczas jednej z podróży tata przeprowadził z nim wywiad i nagrał wspomnienia, które przez ponad dwa tygodnie były tu publikowane w odcinkach. Czas na wspomnienie o nim i notkę opublikowaną na stronach pisma “Bahamas uncensored”.

Henry Podlewski Dies

The following statement was issued by the Bahamas Medical Council on the death of Henry Podlewski:

Dr. Henry K Podlewski O.B.E. , M.B., Ch. B., M.R.C. Psychiatry

Dr. Henry K Podlewski died at his residence 8th January, 2015, in Nassau, The Bahamas.  He was 94 years old.

Dr. Podlewski was born in Poland, April 26, 1920 and came to The Bahamas in 1953.  He was the first Psychiatrist to practice in The Bahamas.  This was facilitated by an Act of Parliament that was created especially for him.  The Henry K Podlewski (Private Practice) Act No. 66 of 1957.  The Act is still on the books today.  After serving as Chief Psychiatrist for 32 years, he retired in 1986.

Dr. Podlewski’s contributions to the advancement of care to those with mental illness in The Bahamas, the Caribbean Region and Globally is legendary.  Dr. Podlewski was instrumental in the planning and the design of the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre (SRC) that commenced in 1956 and is credited with the provision of quality services to a largely marginalized stigmatized group of individuals with mental health challenges in a most caring and disciplined manner.  He was a pioneer with the establishment of The Bahamas Mental Health Association, The Caribbean Psychiatrist Association, The Caribbean Federation of Mental Health,  The Bahamas Association for the Mentally Retarded; and The Bahamas Council on Alcoholism.

Dr. Podlewski also served as Registrar of The Bahamas Medical Council 1978 to 1998, for 19 years with distinction.

Dr. Podlewski was the recipient of numerous awards including, Office of the Order of the British Empire,  “Paul Harris Fellow”, Rotarian Award, the Distinguished Citizen Award from The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce, The Golden Heart Award; and  The Bahamas Government Silver Jubilee Award.

He is survived by his wife, Sandra; son, Henry; daughter-in-law, Tara; granddaughter, Mia; grandson, Henry; and numerous other relatives and friends.

About Małgorzata Karolina Piekarska
Z wykształcenia: historyczka sztuki, scenarzystka i bibliotekarka. Z zawodu: pisarka i dziennikarka. Z pasji: blogerka, varsavianistka i genealożka. Miłośniczka: książek, filmów, gier planszowych, kart do gry, jamników i miodu...

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